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It's not that complex



that go


long way

In business, whether building your own personal brand or a business' brand, there are three crucial things that are important.  They are: relationships, relationships, relationships. It never ceases to amaze me how sooo many people do not understand this.

The better and stronger your relationships, the easier it is for you to build business opportunities for yourself.

Two simple things I HIGHLY suggest you do at any stage of your business to insure a high rate of success for building relationships (and turning those relationships into business opportunities).

1.  Do follow ups. I repeatDo follow ups. If you meet with a potential client and they don't call you back or re-connect with you. . . CALL THEM.  Unfortunately you are not the center of people's universe and if they happen to forget about you (because they just might have 20 other things going on in their life...) who cares. It's your job to remind them that it's in their best interest to make you a priority.  A follow up call and/or email could be the difference between a beneficial relationship that makes you lots of money or 6 more months with nothing on the plate. 

2.  Quickly get back to them. Just this past Thursday I had a meeting with a company out of Pittsburgh where there is a lot of potential for future clients and work.  The meeting went very well. Upon getting back to the office I quickly shot off an email thanking them for taking time out of their schedule to meet with me. A day later they replied enthusiastically, thanking me for the note. 

Its the small and simple things that are done that people take notice of.  Doing a follow up shows that you're interested in them (and who doesn't like that?), and quickly getting back to people shows that you know and understand that their time is valuable and you are appreciative that they met with you and you want to acknowledge that. 

These two things have worked wonders for me and I am willing to step out on a limb and bet they will work wonders for you too.

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