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From point A to point B

I was having a conversation with a good friend of mine the other day.  She (Rakiyt Zakari) is the founder and head designer of the original david clothing line. Probably one of the most creative and forward thinking designers in the fashion world today. 

We were talking about how to be successful. How to be on top of your game and how to push the envelope in terms of creating and marketing your product or service and how to spread your message to the world. 

Well one of the ideas that came up was the idea of pushing your own personal boundaries.  How to think, be and explore at the edge of your competence.  In talking to her about this one of the ideas we both concluded on is that as you strive to grow your business and/or grow as an entrepreneur, artist, designer, etc. you have to have mentors.  In order to successfully go from point a to point b which would entail the pushing of new ideas, the exploration of innovative solutions and doing what you haven't previously done before, you have to seek guidance and help.  You can't do it by yourself. 

Often when pushing beyond your own personal limits you get into unchartered territory. Without the proper assistance it can be the difference between crashing and burning or pushing your venture successfully to the next level (I personally prefer the latter). 

Firstly - this would require you to admit that you don't know everything and you have weaknesses that someone else can assist you with - now this is easier said than done.  If I had a dollar for everytime I came across people who didn't think they needed help, didn't know they should seek help or were simply oblivious to the fact that help is ALWAYS needed, then I would have retired a millionaire years ago.

Secondly - you have to be able to seek out individuals who have your best interest at heart. That means being authentic yourself and coming to the table without hidden agendas and ulterior motives.  When you do this and you are sincere in your actions, you will attract like energy.  Serious business people love to help driven and passionate individuals who are dedicated to their craft. If they see that your main goal is to give something to the world that is either needed, wanted or desired (and they see you are extremely serious about it) then that makes things sooo much easier for you.

Thirdly - you need assistance from mentors who are savvy and have business acumen.  I repeat. You need assistance from mentors who are savvy and have business acumen.  Nothing is worse than getting advice from someone who is reckless in advice giving and has no idea about how to execute on ideas and navigate scenarios and situations effectively.  So be extremely careful when seeking guidance.  Often times simply check it with your gut feeling.  If it doesn't sound or feel right in the pit of your stomach, kick that advice to the curb.

Putting yourself in new situations in which you don't quite know how to navigate, is what will make you better, allow you to grow and put you ahead of the curve.  You'll make mistakes along the way, but as long as you learn valuable lessons from them then they were worth making.  In the end as the tried and true saying goes "nothing venture, nothing gained".

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