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Whooaa . . . sounds like the Hulk having sex?!


There are numerous ways to grab people’s attention and get them to listen to what you have to say. The question is though, why should they pay you any mind?  Well...because you have a new earth shattering idea, a revolutionary epiphany, or a moment of clarity which has shown you the way to change the world as we know it - and you want to announce it to everyone in the universe! 

Unfortunately what may happen is that the way you communicate it may not come off as exciting as it was in your head and people’s reactions are maybe less than enthusiastic.  There is a good chance that your ‘presentation’ just didn’t pack enough punch.  In spite of the fact that the notion in your head will revolutionize the way we live, people just might not  pay you any attention.  It doesn’t stir their emotions and it doesn't appeal to their interests. 

Ladies and gentlemen creative and effective communication is the antidote to the malady of blank stares, yawns, and short attention spans.  Having the right communications arsenal to explain your ideas and thoughts effectively is  invaluable to have in your 'marketing' cache.

Do you want your resume to get that second glance?  Do you want your boss or co-workers to really listen to your ideas and seriously consider them?  Do you want that client to hire you for your services?  I would imagine that yes is the answer to any of these questions.  Your ability to communicate in a crafty way, either written or verbally, the ideas and concepts you want people to buy into could mean the difference between landing that dream job or another handful of weeks sending off cover letters and resumes. 

The eternal question now is how do you do that?  Well as one of the statements I used in   my ‘New Adventures of Old You’ series; there is no ‘silver bullet’ solution.   But what you can do is begin to understand what ‘creative communication’ is.  For us at Vosica its part of our jobs to know how to understand the mechanics of suggestions and thoughts and how that relates to people’s understanding of ideas.  In plain English; how to know what people like to hear and why.
An example.  People love to rubberneck on the road when an accident has just happened. This has captured people’s attention. Why?  Because you're curious about this crash. It's something you just don't come acrosss everyday.  Now how often do you hear someone say, “man, I just heard this band and their music sounds like the Incredible Hulk having sex!”  Rarely.  The first step in getting people to pay attention to you – say something you don’t regularly hear.
The Hulk example I used was borrowed from the Youtube clip below of Derek Sivers, the founder of CD Baby.  He talks about the power of words and their ability to make people pay attention to you.  He is specifically talking about how to market yourself as an indie rock artist, though.  Not exactly who you would want to have a conversation with about how to land a client or help spruce up your resume.  Or maybe you do.  In the clip he parallels a business man and what he does to his whole premise of selling yourself as an indie artist.  Makes total sense.  In many ways whether you are a rock god trying to market your next multi-platinum album or an IT specialist looking for the next hot gig in Silicon Valley - you’re looking at the same bottom line.  Getting people to interested in who you are and what you do.

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