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Be like water

The wise adapt themselves to circumstances as water shapes itself to the vessel that contains it.                                                                              

                                                                                          -  Chinese Proverb

Situations and predicaments constantly change.  Nothing in this world stays the same.  So when you cling to the ways you've always done things, you're not fluid. You become a static fixture in a dynamic environment.

Just ask Rocky Mountain News  - Colorado's oldest newspaper and a Denver fixture since 1859, published its last issue on February 27.  A victim of a terrible economy and an upheaval in the newspaper industry.

Just ask Polaroid who wasn't able to combat the explosion in digital photography and filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on October 12, 2001. 

Just ask Circuit City who after being in business for over 50 years is now closing their doors - stiff competition from Wal-Mart and Best Buy.

And we can't forget the big 3 auto makers in Detroit.  Now I'm not saying that they are shutting down the power, switching off the lights and closing down their doors for good. The fact, though, that you've asked for bailout money doesn't exactly mean that your business model is ahead of the curve and you are an innovator and market leader in your industry.

Now being able to adapt to the current circumstances happening in today's climate may be easier said than done. But being unable to retrofit new technologies and strategies with your current system means its the 12th round and you're still dazed from that uppercut and the the ref is yelling "8". . . "9". . .

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