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Ten absolutely, necessary, brand considerations (pt. 2)

6.  Are you trendspotting?  If what your business is speaking about, sharing, or selling isn't relevant then its more or less "game over". This means you need to know what the trends are.  Easier said than done. The gravity of "keeping the status quo" is immense. It's difficult to maintain a fresh perspective and stay abreast changes. It happens though, and we unintentionally get disconnected from market realities. The market is going north, the wind blows and now it's headed east (yet you keep going north). Not the position you want to be in. Irrelevancy is always in the neighborhood. You just don't want it knocking on your front door.  

7. Are you waveriding?  It's one thing to know what the trends are but its another to know how to actually use it effectively so your fans continue to love and respect your brand.  It's like this. Just because you are out in the ocean with a surfboard and can see the wave coming, doesn't mean you'll know how to ride it. It takes alot of savvy to see the wave coming, know how big it is, and then position yourself accordingly to ride it well.  Knowing how to ride trends so it benefits your business is absolutely essential.

8. What's your strategy? - There's an idea on the table.  A good one at that.  You definitely want the world to know about it. Setting up a Facebook page and inviting friends to it is not a strategy.  The question you will need to be answering is: what is the game plan? Will you organize a speaker series that highlights your idea? Maybe you'll start a marketing campaign that brings awareness to your new offering? Building a brand needs well thought plans of action (not disjointed activities) in order for it to take root in the market.

9. Have "internal/external" brand awareness - This concept is imperative. It means you having a keen awareness of both what you're offering and other similar ideas in the market. What is your brand about?  What is your competition's brand about? Comparing and contrasting these two answers will be of high value to you. Knowing definitively why your product deserves attention in the market is significant. The time will come when you'll be telling people why they should pay attention to you. With these conversations - you're going to need to nail it!

10. Make sure your brand conveys authenticity - Please, please, please give people credit. They can smell artificiality a mile away. Previously I mentioned trust as a beat that will give your brand "heavy rotation" and authenticity is the foundation to trust. If you come to the table with sincere intentions then the world is yours.  Trust is an absolutely key factor in establishing longevity.  Very simple concept yet often becomes an undoable task for many.

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