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How do you see your business?


                                                             for the

I was reading this months issue of Inc. which features Jim Collins, author of Good to Great and Built to Last. The article featuring him, is an interview he does with Inc's editor-at-large Bo Burlingham. 

There's some really great ideas and discussion points that are covered in the article but one which stood out to me was when Bo spoke about when he personally saw the best of entrepreneurship, which he felt was in the 80's.  He mentions how he invited Steve Jobs to his entrepreneurship class at Stanford in 1988 or '89 and how Jobs was doing NeXT at the time.

Bo quoted Steve Jobs as saying, during one of their conversations, that "we aren't creating computers.  We are creating bicycles for the mind."

This really made me think.

Now, that way of looking at a business is very powerful. It turns the idea of "starting a company" on its head and gives you a whole new perspective. One that poses the question - Is your company just about profits so people can make some good money then retire or are you also trying to do something remarkable that just might push the boundaries of how we interpret the world?

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