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The Entrepreneur Movement!

On June 24th of 2007 I posted our 4th blog entry entitled, Still thinking outside the box? You may want to think again, where we made the bold assertion that this cliché phrase is dead. At one point in time it was the golden rule, but in the 21st century you need a little more. You need platinum status. And that comes with thinking at the intersection.

I then went on to mention gotvmail, as an innovative company delving into the intersection of people, places, and ideas to create the products, services and experiences of tomorrow.

Two years later, my gut instincts were right about these guys. As a testament to the folks at gotvmail (now grasshopper.com) being leading edge thinkers,  the video below clearly indicates that they aren't just starting a new company.  They aren't just launching a new voicemail system (which is boring). They are interested in starting a movement (which is exciting!) - and who isn't interested in that?!

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