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It is your JOB to consume. . .

The problem isn't with the fact that we consume.  The issue is with why we do it.  If we begin to challenge the premise behind why we consume, and begin thinking about the idea of "consumption" in different and unconventional ways, then we can begin to pursue truly innovative thinking about how to dig ourselves out of the recession we are in. 

If all we continue to do is consume, consume, consume (for the sake of consumption) and just do and act as we always have in the past, then we will not be able to position ourselves in a place where we really want to be: participating in an economic system that is truly sustainable. Because as Einstein said "we can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

Brands today need to think about who they are, the intent behind their actions, and the "value" they bring to the table, in radically different ways.

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