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The choice is yours...


The ability to choose (and then be engaged in rational/irrational thinking in relation to those choices) is what fundamentally differentiates us as humans from every other living species on this planet.

Everyday we make choices. The steak sandwich or the turkey burger. Develop an advertising campaign for the business or engage in a social media strategy. Take a job where the pay is excellent or choose a career opportunity allowing you to do what you have always dreamed...

How often, though, are you presented with the choice of seeking out similar surroundings or pursuing diverse experiences? And what do I mean by that? If you're an engineer maybe there's an opportunity to hang out with a local poetry group. If you're an aerobics instructor maybe there's a chance to participate in some capoeira (if only to just watch) and delve into that world. Maybe you're a technologist and you'll go and shoot the breeze with a publicist. Are some of these interactions a bit extreme, possibly, but you understand my point. What are your choices to introduce variety and diversity (or even possibly something radically different) into your life?

Now you might ask what's the point? My response would be; we are living in a time where the arranged routines of our lives have been disrupted, and 'normal' as we knew it...is gone...forever. If you are in the business of commerce, then unconventional thinking is your first class ticket on domestic and international flights to a future with new complexities, expanded dimensions and unbridled opportunity. A future where one of the ultimate value-adds, that you can bring to the table, is diverse experiences and then the ability to synthesize those experiences into things people want, need and/or desire (and will pay for).

Now looking at one set of options, you can choose the blue pill. You'll wake up just like yesterday, last month and the year(s) before travelling the road of traditional ideas, that unfortunately, possess minimum to zero growth opportunity for the future. Or you can choose the red pill and see just how far down the rabbit hole you can go towards creative thinking, digital exploration, and business model innovation.

As always, the choice is yours.

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